Tuesday, September 5, 2017

First Day of School 2017-18...

Kate was the first one to head to school this year. She is in Ms.Watz 4th grade class and was pretty excited to be going back to school. She is looking so grown up to me lately. She has a few friends already in her class and I am hoping she makes a few new ones and learns a lot this year. 

Zach started the day after Kate and is now in 7th grade.  He's wasn't too excited to be starting another year, but part of that is the "I'm too cool for school" attitude he likes to play, mostly I think because it's the same song and dance his friends do. But he got himself up and ready to go all on his own so deep down I think he was pretty excited to be busy again. 

Ryan started Pre-K a few days later. He is in the 4s class at Christ United Methodist with Teacher Stephanie and a new teacher, Ms. Victoria. Things will be a little different with a new teacher but with a new class of all boys I think things will go well for him. 

And for Preston, he will miss them all and hopefully will find that having me all to himself, three mornings a week, is not so bad. Let's be honest, we will both miss all of them and the help and entertainment they provide. I love these kids! Bring on the schedules, the homework and bedtime routines...

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