Monday, February 14, 2011

My Funny Little Valentine...

Well not really mine, as in my own child, but a funny little girl in Zach's class.

Here is the preface...
All the kids in Zach's class had just finished eating their treats from their little party, and his teacher, Mr. McBeth, had them all seated on the carpet to discuss what traditions their family had on Valentine's Day, or what was their family going to do special today, in honor of Valentine's Day.

Here's where it gets good...
The kids talked about going out to eat, or making sandwiches in the shape of a heart, etc. when suddenly one little girl, raised her hand, and said, "My mom and dad are going to have sex!"

We(all the adults in the room) were dying!!! Mr. McBeth chuckled, I busted up laughing, and her poor mom in the back of the room was in denial. Luckily, none of the kids caught on to what she had said, but I tell you, kids say the darnedest things!

Happy Valentine's Day!


Thompson Family said...

Too funny! I am sure teachers get an earfull from kids. I would have died if I was in the room and one of my kids said that. In kindergarten though, really? Hilarious!

Brooke and Dustin Jackson said...

dying! this is HILARIOUS!