Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Elite Dance Competition Season 2020...

This year the girls competed as Juniors. We attended NUVO, REVEL and Jump...but then Covid came and everything after the first night of competition at Jump, completely shut down due to the virus. Up until the shutdown the girls were seeing such great success. 

At Nuvo Kate was chosen as a breakout artist at Nuvo, and loved being able to have her name announced as she run up to dance on the stage. She has been working so hard, so being noticed gave her some validation for all the effort she puts in weekly rehearsals and classes. She and Claire also got to meet Eliana Walmsley, from Dance Moms. 

At Revel Kate performed her first Solo for the first time. I was so proud of her. It takes a lot of guts to get up on stage all by yourself to perform in front of judges and an audience. She did it, and in the teen category to boot too!

There was a lot of anticipation for Jump, and the girls did an amazing job the first night of competition, especially with their tap number, Shake Sanora, but they didn't' get to finish out the rest of the weekend for Convention because the world as we knew it shut down for fear that the virus COVID 19 would infect millions, and the fear of dying ensued. Everyone went home and quarantined for 2 weeks to slow the spread. Nobody went anywhere!


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