One in Pre-K, one in Elementary, one in Middle School and one in High School. One out of the 4 in person, and the other 3 all online! What a disastrous start to a school year. Thankfully Preston is able to go to school in person. He has to wear a mask of course, but to be able to get him out and moving for a few hours three days out of the week is a gift. We carpool with his friend Robel to make going to school run a little more smoothly. Everything is better with friends.
As for the other 3, they started school online via Zoom. My heart aches for them. This is no way to learn and I pray it doesn't last long. Ryan zooms and logs on from my office so I can keep watch on him. His attention span isn't very long and with easy access to YouTube, the temptation for him to get off task is too easy. This is brutal to start 2nd grade online. We got Kate a desk to make school a little more comfortable and peaceful for her. She seems to be doing okay and is learning the best she can. Luckily she had a little over 6 months in Middle School before COVID hit, so she is used to the schedule. Zach is feeling lucky being able to wear jammies every day for school. I am dying inside for him because I think of how fun high school was for me and fear how much this lack of connection will have on him socially. No fall soccer, no friday night football games, etc. This is BRUTAL!
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