Monday, October 7, 2019

Zach's First Major Injury...

Well we finally received the answer as to why Zach has been limping after every single soccer game since April. Drum Roll Please...after his first ever MRI the results came back that he has one major bulged disc and a couple other minor bulges that are pinching a nerve! Ouch! So much for thinking it was a growth spurt issue or sore muscles. Ugh! I feel so horrible it took us this long to figure it out. And the exact incident that caused it all is still up for debate. I think it might have been him lifting weights at Sunset with the other eighth grade boys, but he can't remember doing a single move that might have triggered this type of damage. So we work backwards through all the games he has been playing and rack our brains trying to remember a fall or a hit that might have happened, but still nothing significant comes to mind. So finishing out his freshman year soccer season is no longer an option and we are all bummed for him, and hoping for the quickest recovery possible.


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