Saturday, June 8, 2019

Fifth Grade Exhibition + Middle School Honors Society...

As the end of the school year approaches, Kate and Zach wrapped up their last year of both elementary and middle school with a fifth grade exhibition and honor roll ceremony. 

Kate's group prepared all month long researching Homelessness and did a fantastic job presenting their research to us parents on the night of 5th grade exhibition. She was nervous but I absolutely did not need to be. She worked so hard and was so prepared. We were so proud of her! We treated her and her girlfriends to a little Dairy Queen after the night was over.

Zach has been working very hard in school. He earned his first report card full of straight A's this year. The motivation to be able to have the app snapchat installed on his phone was all he needed to get himself on the honor roll. We still don't love snapchat but we absolutely love his efforts to get good grades. We are so proud of him!

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