Saturday, November 12, 2011

Fall 2011...

Our entire fall consisted of soccer, soccer, did I mention soccer? 5 out of the 7 days in a week, over the past two and half months, Zach had practice or a game, and two games on Stuardays...just sayin'. Justin had Zach in two leagues this fall, which lets be honest, I was worried about. I was worried that he would have melt downs about having to go to practice because he was tired, get hurt for playing in a second grade league, etc. I could not have been more wrong. There is something about having a goalie and a larger playing field that motivated Zach to try his best! Kick and chase was fun too, just not as challenging. I played the role of the chauffeur, minus the SUV soccer mom thing, Kate played the cheerleader, a cute one I might add, and Justin was the co-coach for both teams. Zach had a great season, scoring a few goals here and there, survived without any injuries, and loved playing with all his buddies from school, especially Nate.

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