My ZaCh! I was picking up his room today and came across this... The date is August 31, 2008. We must have been playing doctor, and he was the patient. This pad of paper and clipboard came with his doctor dress ups. His answers are pretty cute. It goes a little like this.
Patient Name - Uncle Tyson (I think he is a little obsessed with his uncle Tyson)
Address - California (Where Tyson was called to serve his mission)
Telephone Number - 43567 (I will have to work on this one with him)
Date of Birth - 17 more
Age - 4 (I wonder if he thinks Uncle Tyson acts this old sometimes...hahaha)
Medications - Picture
Allergies - Grandma (I hope not)
Blood Type - Right Knee (Tyson hurt his knee while out in California)
Reason for Visit - Bad Knee, Basketball hit his knee (He got this one right)
Funny the things kids pick up on. Speaking of that, on Monday night he said "crap", but I have forgotten in what reference to. Guess Justin and better start watching what we say. Not that crap is a bad word, but just sounds bad coming from an almost 4 year old's mouth. The making believe and pretend play just got better with this new addition of the "Knight."
And in case one time wasn't enough...
He is so expressive I love it. What a crack up. So cute. Hope you have a good Thanksgiving. Love you and take care.
Oh how I miss him. And you. Very nice but I didn't see a picture of your hair. I understand if you want a whole post just about you. Go for it.
Don't you love all of the phases our kiddos go through? So cute.
I love how he is always dressing's too cute! And I remember the first time I heard McKinley say crap it was in church, and it was VERY LOUD...that'll teach me to watch my mouth! It really does sound terrible coming from little mouths, doesn't it?
You got to love Zach! He is so full of life. I love those answers. That is a keeper. You'll have to hold on to that for him when he is older. He is so cute dressed up. I love buying little outfits for them to play in. So fun!
HILARIOUS! I love it!
Zach just cracks me up. He's got quite the moves Dad better put aside soccer and football... watch out Dance Academy here he comes.....
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