Weekend! On the actual day of my birthday Grandma and Grandpa and uncle Tyson came over to watch the kids while Justin took me out to dinner. Afterward we came home and had cake. Tyson made this yummy cake, not from a box, but from scratch! It really was so good, and even good the next day too! Tyson is quite the cook.
On Saturday I was given my very first SuRpRiSe BiRtHdAy party ever. I seriously had no clue! Justin and I went to New York for the day to celebrate our anniversary. While we were there Justin had invited all our friends from dental school up to his parent's house for a BBQ. Everyone was in on the whole thing. I thought that we had to be back from New York at 6pm so that Tyson and the grandparents(Who were watching the kids...aren't they the best! We are so lucky to have them.) could go to an interview at church, which I thought was wierd to do on a saturday, but still believed. Val was planning a movie night with some of our friends, and what a great liar she turned out to be. Luke and Em called wanting to get together, little did I know that they were already at Justin's parents house, the stinkers. You all got me! It was so much fun. I got to blow out the candles to my second cake, made by a patient of Justin's, the reason for the cake saying not only a happy birthday to Ashley, but a "Happy Birthday to Ashley Marostica!" The kiddos couldn't wait to get their portion with a flower.
A pic with some of the girls...smaller group? yes! Summer birthdays are always hard to get everyone together, so some are missing. We also took a big hit last year when some of them decided it was ok to move away after their husbands graduated school. Little do they know the big money is in the East, or so so many of us are told.
What is Austen flashing towards us?
Oh yeah, he promised me he would wear his "Birthday Suit" for me, I quess this was the sneak peak!
I love the candles on the first cake! I have a bunch of photos and a video I need to get to you from the party!
Happy Birthday. It sounded so fun! And how nice to live so close to NYC!
Happy Birthday! So sad I missed the party...
Oh, and Austin... I'm blushing
Happy Birthday Saster. Love you and glad it was special.
Happy Birthday Ash!!! Tell Justin I said way to go on the surprise- that's awesome! Sounds like you had a great Birthday:-)
Happy Birthday! Wow what a good husband. How fun! Wish we could of been there.
Happy Birthday Ashley!!! Sorry we couldn't make it to the party, we had family in town. Looks like fun!
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