Saturday, March 15, 2008

"Not Really A Priority"...

Are the not so sweet words that came out of Justin's mouth Wednesday night after I had told him that I would be missing a dinner out at Hard Rock Cafe, with my girlfriend Kori and her High School Dance Company, that has been planned for over a month now...Will I ever get a break?

Let's back up a bit. Back in January my friend Kori emailed me to let me know she would be in Philly for the High School Dance Festival. I haven't seen her in three years. We helped each other out a lot when I was a teacher at Bingham and she was teaching at Riverton(still is). We also danced at BYU on Dancers' Company together. We go back 5-7 years. Anyways, we have been emailing back and forth since and solidified meeting up for dinner tonight at Hard Rock, downtown Philly. I even have it written down on a calendar I keep. So it was important to me.

Lets also add that I hardly ever go out to eat, never am without a kid, no make that kids, never get the chance to go into the city, which in the beginning, was the whole reason why I was excited to move to Philly for Dental School, in the first place. And last, hardly ever get the chance to go and do something just for me. I know I know that is what being a mom is, but still.

Going back to the beginning, on Wednesday we received the news that Justin's Grandpa Marostica had passed away. It is really sad, he was a great man, fought in the war, convert to the church, etc. That night Justin was debating on whether or not he should go to the funeral. Well of course he has to go, it's his Grandpa. We would have all loved to go to honor him and his life, but money, kids, etc. There really isn't a good excuse, but obviously we aren't there. Like I was saying, when I got home from teaching Wednesday night Justin tells me he would like to go to the funeral, and asks if it was ok with me. Obviously yes, but then he asks what are you thinking, and besides wanting to go too,

I said "All I really had planned this weekend was going to dinner with Kori remember?"

His response "Well, it's not really a priority."

In my mind I agreed but still am sad the response wasn't something more like this,

"I know, I am so sorry, I know you have had that planned for three months now, I wish there was something I could do, I will make it up to you when I get back." Maybe a hug would have been nice too, but as I said the response was a stone cold "Not really a priority."

I guess my point is when can a girl get a break? Obviously a death in the family takes precedence over a night out to myself, eating yummy food, without kids, in the city, with a good friend of mine.

I still haven't settled because it is the day of and I haven't called Kori yet to tell her that I am not going to be able to make it. Maybe by some small miracle I will be able to find someone to watch my kids.


Ginnie said...

helloooo! I'm right here, you can call me to watch the kiddo's! I hope you are able to go. I think you definitely deserve some me time!

The Perry family said...

Ashley, I would've watched the kids too!
You're well overdue for a little "Ashley time"!

Ashley said...

Thanks guys...I know you have my back. Amy and Val were up to the sitting this time, but no worries I can always use you again.

Brock and Tyra said...

AGHH!!! I'm sorry! Sometimes husbands don't get how hard it is to have children attached to and dependent on you for every little thing all day all night non-stop. (Did I say sometimes? I meant never do/will husbands understand how hard it is...)

As for being a single mom, I admit, you've got it really bad. But just be OH-SO-GLAD you live at the colony during all of Justin's crazy studying. All I can say is take advantage of the easy access to friends and babysitters while you've got them. I only wish I had Emily right down the stairs from me!

"The sun will come out, tomorrow..."
Hang in there!

Ashley said...

Hello people, my Grandfather died! I wasn't exactly thinking about going somewhere nice to eat at the moment!

E n D said...

I hope you know you can ask us to babysit anytime! I hope you were able to go to dinner! And Justin, I'm really sorry to hear about your grandfather!

McCoy said...

Its not like Justin planned a month ago that our grandpa would die!!!! Does he do anything good enough????

Patrick and Paige said...

Wow McCoy, she was just venting. Of course the death wasn't planned. She was just letting off a little steam. It's called frustration, We all get frustrated. I got your back sista. Tell justin, sorry to hear about his Grandpa. Our prayers are with the family.

Ashley said...

Easy sisters...Justin is the best thing that has ever happened to me and I love him more than anyone will ever know. Defenitely good enough if not better for me. Steam and frustration? Not really, just writing how "Not really a priority" should Be the metaphor for any mom's life. Being a mom is a selfless act and how most things will come before taking time for yourself, as they should.