Sunday, January 27, 2008

When RSV gets you down...

For the past week, and what feels like will be the rest of my life, Kate has RSV, the true killer to any life you thought you ever had. Plans to do things of any kind suddenly are thrown out the door. Time has been dedicated not only to the feeding, sleeping and diaper changing of my little girl, but now the snot sucking, nebulizing and the cleaning of vomit have been added to the list of my motherly duties.

So why add a blog to this list? Simple really, late nights due to the bedtime routine no longer established, mixed with the writer's strike that is devistating my TiVo watching days, equals the blog surfing I have been doing to keep myself awake and entertained. After a awhile I finally got the motivation to start my blogging days, despite the battle of pros and cons to the whole "blog" thing that I have been telling myself the last six months.

On a positive note, being forced by RSV to stay home, Zach is now potty trained! yEaH!!!

Kate's medicine...4times a day!

What potty training will do to a kid...

Zach is now really into being a big boy, so much that he decides what he wears every day, even if it means wearing a t-shirt in 30 degree weather, a swimsuit on the bottom and his shoes facing the direction he feels is most comfortable.


Brock and Tyra said...

I'm feelin' for everyone at the Colony...During my blog surfing today, it looks like January has given everyone the blues. RSV would be the worst though.
Kate is beautiful--And you know how I love Zach.

Brock and Tyra said...

Oh, and by the way, I've been wanting you to have a blog--I like to keep tabs on you!

Amber said...

Yeah you guys have a blog. Love the little pictures of Kate, and Zach is always a cutie. Cant wait to see you guys soon.

em said...

Hey newbie, welcome aboard. Now I don't even have to run upstairs to see what you're up to. Like I do every single day, right?

Anonymous said...

You've been tagged! write 10 interesting/weird things about you in your blog then tag 10 of your friends!