More Pictures. Back in October we had our good friend, Michelle, take some pictures of Kate, to remember her at the age of one, and the family. Now that the pictures have been gifted to the grandparents for Christmas, I can finally get around to posting them. Michelle did a great job. Here are some of our favorites.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Pictures, Pictures and...
Posted by
5:44 PM
Labels: Family
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
The Long Awaited...
Christmas outfits. Zach finally got a suit just like his dad's and Kate is wearing her first church shoes, with a little heel of course. They are looking so grown up to me.
Posted by
7:15 AM
Labels: Kids
Monday, December 15, 2008
I'm Making A List...
Checking it twice, trying to find out who's NaUgHtY or NiCe.
Kate and Zach seem to have some mischief of their own... Zach decided to try Justin's $950.00 loops on to what he says "study". (Loops - special dental glasses to magnify the area of the mouth or tooth they are working on while taking care of a patient) Here he is taking some tedious notes. Where was I? Washing dishes. As for Kate, she thinks playing with my cell phone is all sorts of fun. I wonder what she downloaded this time. What is it with babies and the need to have the real thing to play with?
The real kicker is their father, who, when I am gone for all of an hour, allows our baby girl to do this.
And this video?...well I think definitely naughty!
Posted by
8:47 PM
Labels: Family
Monday, December 8, 2008
The Birthday Rundown...
Our Zach is 4! This year was a "family" birthday year. I was feeling guilty all week about not having a party with his friends, but I think we made it the best darn two day event anyone has ever seen. On Saturday we went with G & G Marostica and Uncle T. to Chuck E Cheese. Zach was in heaven!
All he wanted for his birthday was Yo Gabba Gabba gear, and boy did the plea get delivered.

Then on Sunday we went over to G & G Marostica's house for dinner and Cupcakes. Grandma made some of Zach's favorite foods and I tried my hand at homemade "Plex" (his favorite character from Yo Gabba Gabba) cupcakes.

Posted by
5:43 PM
Labels: Zach
"Cool Tricks, Cool Tricks..."
More of this Yo Gabba Gabba MaDnEsS!!! This is Zach's latest trick, hanging a spoon from his nose. No one taught him, he just all of a sudden came up with this on Saturday afternoon. He is quite proud of himself.
Posted by
12:24 PM
Labels: Zach
Friday, December 5, 2008
Santa's Not...
So bad afterall. We had a Santa as our surprise guest at our Primary Christmas Party this past Tuesday night. I think he was a hit! Zach was so brave. This is the first time he has ever wanted to sit on Santa's lap, and even this time I had to stand close by.
Posted by
9:24 PM
Labels: Zach
Thursday, December 4, 2008
I Finally Decided...
To try something new with my hair. I have had long hair my whole life and finally got the guts to cut it. I have never had it this short!
Posted by
8:13 AM
Labels: Good Bad Ugly
Monday, December 1, 2008
It's Beginning to Look ...
A lot like ChRiStMaS! Being December 1st, and Zach particularly excited about this time of year, we couldn't go another day without putting up our Christmas decorations. He was so excited and kept telling us "Happy Holidays Guys!" It is fun to start our family traditions and really get into the spirit of the holidays. Kids make the holidays that much better. For Zach Christmas is everywhere, from music in the car to all his Christmas movies that he has been begging me to watch back to back. Kate might have an idea of what is going on, but at this point seems to be the most interested in eating the ornaments. Yes, another year with the ornaments halfway up the tree...

Posted by
7:20 PM
Labels: Family
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
I Love...
My ZaCh! I was picking up his room today and came across this... The date is August 31, 2008. We must have been playing doctor, and he was the patient. This pad of paper and clipboard came with his doctor dress ups. His answers are pretty cute. It goes a little like this.
Patient Name - Uncle Tyson (I think he is a little obsessed with his uncle Tyson)
Address - California (Where Tyson was called to serve his mission)
Telephone Number - 43567 (I will have to work on this one with him)
Date of Birth - 17 more
Age - 4 (I wonder if he thinks Uncle Tyson acts this old sometimes...hahaha)
Medications - Picture
Allergies - Grandma (I hope not)
Blood Type - Right Knee (Tyson hurt his knee while out in California)
Reason for Visit - Bad Knee, Basketball hit his knee (He got this one right)
Funny the things kids pick up on. Speaking of that, on Monday night he said "crap", but I have forgotten in what reference to. Guess Justin and better start watching what we say. Not that crap is a bad word, but just sounds bad coming from an almost 4 year old's mouth. The making believe and pretend play just got better with this new addition of the "Knight."
And in case one time wasn't enough...
Posted by
7:32 AM
Labels: Zach
Sunday, November 16, 2008
There's a First For Everything...
Even Kate's first PoNyTaIl! Her hair is finally long enough to twist into a little rubberband. I can finally say good-bye to her ripping her headbands off her head. On second thought, now I have to say hello to actually doing her hair. I don't know which is better.

Posted by
6:14 AM
Labels: Kate
Monday, November 10, 2008
You Can't Live in Philadelphia...
And leave without first going to an EaGlEs GaMe!!! For Justin's birthday back in September I surprised him tickets to an Eagles game. Thanks to some great friends(who we will forever be indebted to, and who happen to have an in for getting tickets), I was able to make this happen. What an incredible night. Definitely one that will not be forgotten. Here are a few highlights from the night...
And for every touchdown...I still get the words mixed up. Some things never change. I wish I could say I learned my Alma mater's fight song, but I don't, so here's to an attempt at the Eagles.
Giants won 36-31. It didn't matter though, Justin was still in Heaven.
Posted by
6:38 PM
Labels: Good Bad Ugly