Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Oregon Zoo with Berrett and Rad...

We invited our best buddies Berrett and Rad to go to the Oregon zoo with us. The animals were out to play today, especially Nora, the polar bear! I am sad summer is almost over but I am glad we snuck in this summertime tradition.


Sunday, August 22, 2021

Ryan's THUSC Summer Soccer

Ryan had his first club soccer tournament. Its nice to see things start to trend closer to normal over these warmer months. What a fun group of boys! A lot of these boys will be who Ryan goes to school with next year as we are making the transition from Bonny Slope Elementary to St. Pius.


Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Timberline Trail with the YM...

One of this summer's highlights was the YM's high adventure hike around Mt. Hood along the Timberline Trail. Bishop Tyler Allen and his counselors Jeremy Thelin and Peter Kramer, put in a lot of time and effort to make this possible for the boys along with a few dads who volunteered hike and help support the boys. They had a few running water crossings that were a little sketchy, some areas that were infested with mosquitos but had the most amazing weather! Life long memories were made!