Babies grow so fast in yet the day to day events go by so slowly for me. There are days that I wish Preston was walking and talking already, and other days that I want him to stay little forever. We have been experiencing a lot of "firsts" around here.
Preston from day one has been so alert but really actually focused on my phone for this picture. He has such tiny features. I love him, and especially love his feet! It's official, baby feet are one of my favorite things. Kate fed him his first bottle for me, and he drank it up like a champ. This will be especially helpful when I go back to work in a month. Preston had his first check-up and passed with flying colors, gaining weight and developing like he should. He also had his first bath after waiting two weeks for his umbilical cord to fall off. Usually I like bath my kids every day, and for some reason everything I ever did with my others, I don't do for number 4. I actually can't remember or keep track of what day(s) I have been bathing him. I am so thankful he doesn't spit up a lot. And for the first time ever I was brave enough to leave you for a couple hours with Auntie Gay, while I ran some errands and got some things done. And of course you sleep better for her than you do me! You wouldn't be my child if that wasn't the case. She has the majic touch!