I could not think of a better way to celebrate our 10 year anniversary,(a little early) than a trip to beautiful, sunny Playa Del Carmen! With so much being on our plate this year it was nice to get away for a few days. A good friend of ours let us stay in his condo. It was the perfect place for a little R & R...private beach, huge 80 something degree pool, messages on the beach, a quick walk to 5th Avenue for great eats, and a great concierge to help us with whatever we needed.
This was what we woke up to every morning. Sunny and 90 degrees! No complaints here!
The Beach
The Pool
We headed to Cozumel really to just say that we have been there, because if I am being honest, its just like Playa with a little less people on their beaches.
This was the Mexican Convertible we rented while visiting Cozumel for the afternoon.
Look who we found stranded along side the road...the Broadbents!
Vacationing with friends is always so fun.
The sweet people of Cozumel love to entertain and cater to all the tourists. A sweet man made Val and I these Crickets. Their chillin' on top of our Mexican Convertible.
We headed to Tulum one of the days for a little ruin site seeing.
Pretty Amazing!
As exciting as site seeing gets we spent the rest of the day at Xel-ha, snorkeling, zip-lining, swimming, and eating until we couldn't anymore!
This was no Kipu Falls, but definitely fun.

You don't see these every day.
There's nothing like trying new food in a foreign country. 5th avenue did not disappoint. Justin's favorite restaurant was La Parilla (Mexican Grill) and mine was Sur (Argentine Grill). 

The Combination Grill at La Parilla...a table top grill...so yummy!
A picture of our toes in Paradise because we're trendy! But honestly one of the most relaxing vacations I have ever taken. It may have taken the whole week but I even read the entire 1st book of the hunger Games.
The token group picture.
What a great vacation! We feel so fortunate to have been able to take this great trip, knowing that the kids were in great care with Aunt Jayne, and that we have friends who put up with us for a few days and still manage to have a good time. Until next time!
Now for my "Near Death" experience! Our plane ride from Cancun to Denver was down right frightening! We hit some turbulence and the entire plane of course was shaking, but it gets worse. BAM!!! the plane hits an air pocket and free falls for what felt 30-40 feet, and in my head was continuing to fall through the clouds and straight for the ground. The flight attendants and their cart went airborne and drinks flew to the ceiling splattering everyone and everything! People screamed and the flight attendants yelled at people to sit and get their seat belts on. My heart jumped out of my chest and the blood rushed from my head to my stomach. My life was over! Because even after hitting a huge air pocket the flight continued to be turbulent. I have never had as many things rush through my mind as I did at this moment, especially the thought of My kids being parent-less! I was freaking out, in my head! I told Justin I was going to faint, and tried to fan myself to calm down. Of course NO ONE is explaining over the speaker system, that things are fine and that smoother air will be ahead shortly. Nothing was working. I got myself into such a frenzy, the silent type, of course, but felt it coming, and nudged Justin to see if he had a barf bag in front of him...of course NO! I looked in mine...YES! It was a done deal the amazing burger, fries and milkshake I had eaten before getting on the plane...gone! I of course calmed down after that and smoother air finally arrived, and obviously I am still alive. I guess I have a weak stomach. And at the top of my priority list is a Will and a family Trust!