Who are ready for summer! We have been teased by the weather. Last week was gorgeous...this week, rainy. The kids are on their way to celebrity status, wearing sunglasses whenever... inside, outside, sunny, rainy...more like when I run out of ideas of things to do inside. Who knew sunglasses could be so entertaining.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
I Know Some Kids...
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12:45 PM
Labels: Kids
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
In the Four Years...
That we have lived in Pennsylvania, the cherry blossoms, blooming on the trees, are on my most favorite times of the year. They are also one of the few things that I actually enjoy about the apartment complex we have been living in, next to the occasional brown water. The brown water is a joke, and as for the cherry blossoms, I really do love them. This is the entrance to good old Colony. The sad part is that the blossoms only last until the first spring rainstorm, but until then...
Posted by
6:06 PM
Labels: Good Bad Ugly
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
What Do You Do...
On one of the most important weekends of your husband's life, or career? You go to a Phillies game! Last weekend Justin took his boards, clinical style(actual patient drill and fill sort of stuff). This test is a definite hit or miss type, that if you are not on your game, could fail pretty easily. Needless to say Justin was anxious, nervous, antsy, you name it. Above all the stress and anxiety leading up to this weekend, I was invited to a Phillies game with my friends. I couldn't resist...a night out with my friends that I am going to have to say good-bye to(sob sob) in a month, and seats that are, well, let's be honest, amazing, just two rows up from the dugout, order practically any food, drink, treat you want and they bring it to you, and its afforded a scanned ticket away, so close if you had a go-go gadget arm you could reach out and touch the players on the field(easy Val, lol), let's just go ahead and be the ump for the game, your so close kind of seats! No one would pass this up. Justin, being the best hubby in the world, let me go. I offered to get a sitter for the kids, but he insisted that even though this WAS a huge weekend for him, that I go and have a good time. I am one lucky girl! Cindy, Jen, me and Val. Thank you to my friend Cindy and for her sweet Acme hook-up. Like that plug? Shop Acme!

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11:05 AM
Labels: Friends
Monday, April 13, 2009
The Easter Rundown...
Zach's pre-school had an Easter egg hunt. It was a little different. They had all the eggs scattered around the playground and the grass, but they were empty. Which to Zach meant, don't pick them up. He was looking for some loot! So while all the other kids were filling their baskets full of eggs Zach kept running around picking up the eggs, but throwing them back down on the ground after discovering they were empty. Later we all went inside the school and found out that the eggs the kids picked up determined what order they could pick out their prize and get their bag full of candy(to make it fair). Not such a bad idea after it was all said and done. This is Justin, one of Zach's favorite friends from school.
The day before Easter we dyed Easter eggs at Grandma and Grandpa's house. Zach was very involved in the dying.

With all these fun activities we of course will not forget the true meaning behind Easter, and will hopefully be able to help our kids understand why we celebrate Easter. At the dinner table, before we blessed the food, Justin asked Zach why we celebrated Easter, and Zach's response was "The Easter Bunny!" I couldn't help but feel like a failure as a parent, but I guess better luck next year.
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8:32 PM
Labels: Family
Sunday, April 12, 2009
This Is What...
Taking advantage of no church on Sunday(Conference) looks like...These guys are having way to much fun, or have watched a little too much Nitro Circus!
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5:48 PM
Labels: Good Bad Ugly
Thursday, April 9, 2009
I Smell Bacon...
Or should I be nice and say Poe Poe? Either way I got a ticket!
Here's the scenario. I was asked to make a meal for a friend who just had a baby. I love doing this because I know how much I appreciate a home cooked meal after I have my babies. It is nice during that adjustment period of adding another baby to the family. Plus there is the added bonus of feeling good, knowing that you might make some one's day with the small gesture of making them a meal. Anyways, so I made the meal, put my own family's meal in the oven to cook(while I make the 2 minute run over to her house to drop the food off), ran out the door, placed the food in the passenger side of my car, and was on my way to try and get the food to her while it was still warm. Until ... are you kidding me? Flashing lights behind flipping pull me over. Off course I was going over the speed limit! I was obviously not paying attention to the speed limit, I was thinking about getting this meal to her and then getting back to my own family to finish making our meal. The cop caught me going 50 in a 35! 15 whole mph, how easy is this to do, especially when the street you turned from was 45? Who changes the speed limits like that? Darn Penndot!
As I clearly point to my food in the passenger seat and plead my case to the occifer, he says "Well let me just check all your info, so we can get you on your way." I gave it to him and as he walked off I prayed in my head that he would just give me a warning. I have not had a ticket in 6 years!!! Why now? Especially knowing that I was on an errand to brighten some one's day. A ticket would just ruin the whole meaning behind making the meal and helping someone out. Plus it wasn't like I was recklessly driving and going waaayyy over the speed limit. I just was a busy mom trying to get stuff done. I honestly wasn't trying to hurry, I was on auto pilot, not paying attention. I could drive this street with my eyes closed. That is how often I drive on this street(Audubon Rd.).
Needless to say he hands me my ticket to sign and says "You might be able to get a judge to drop this if you tell them your story." I said "No that is your job! Your the one who is supposed to tell me that this time you will give me a warning." Call me rude, but honestly, he could clearly see that I was not trying to break the law! I was trying to do something nice! All he could say in response was some saga about how the state has mandated that we yada yada yada... I was so mad, started my car, and pulled away to get to my original plans of delivering what was now my cold meal.
So here I sit with this $150.00 ticket wondering if it is worth going to court to try and get it reduced. I don't care how rich or poor you are, $150.00 for 15mph over the speed limit is inconvenient! I could think of a million other things I could put my $150.00 towards.
Posted by
6:39 PM
Labels: Good Bad Ugly
Monday, April 6, 2009
Talk About Getting...
The RoYaL tReAtMeNt! Don't you wish someone would style your hair every day? Forget having to go to the salon...Miss Kate is so spoiled by Justin. She gets her hair blow dried every day. And on a good day, round brushed! You can tell that this is their bonding time.
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11:35 AM
Labels: Kate