Down, drained, over worked, unappreciated or just plain tired, and are having thoughts such as I never have enough time to get everything done, I stink as a wife, I am going to screw up my own kids, I need a break, the list of things to do is never ending, this mom/housewife thing is not all that it is cracked up to be, or better yet, I could use a nice swift kick in the rear, then Time Out For Women is the perfect remedy.
WOW!!! What a great way to spend a Saturday. I wasn't sure what to expect when I first agreed to buy a ticket to go. All I knew was that friends of mine, who had gone in the past, said that it was fun. Who doesn't need a little fun, and not mention, a day with some girlfriends? It may be cheesy, but pretty safe to say, that right as I walked in the door to the event, I knew it was going to be a great experience while chills ran up my spine. I know, how cliche right? Should I start baring my testimony now? Honestly though, I have never been told so many things that have made me feel so good about myself and the things that I am doing. Not so much in a "I am justified" way, but more "I am on the right track" sort of way. The messages the presenters spoke about motivated me to be a better wife, mother, and friend, and what I got most out of the entire day was to enjoy even the simplest things out of each day, and to know that I, like several other women who attended the event, are in the same boat, living to same day to day life. And just when you think you are the only one... OK so let's sum up this goodness. I appreciate where I have come from, I love where I am at, and am looking forward for what's to come. Make any sense? I think I am going to have to go every year now. It is coming to Portland this coming weekend. My mom, sisters and friends better get their tickets.

Some of the greatest friends I know.

The woman that made my weekend one to remember and now has me playing her CD on my itunes on my most played list. None other than Hilary Weeks. The entire day could have been her singing at the piano and I would have been fine with that. Watch
here to see what had me laughing but couldn't be more true to what a mom's day is like. *Make sure you select "Watch in High Quality"