Zach is obsessed with the BaCkYaRdIgAnS! He watches the clock each morning to tell me when the little hand is at the 9 and the big hand is at the 12...that means it's time to watch backyardigans. He sings the entire intro and then continues to play along with the entire episode imagining he is Pablo. Pablo is the penguin. Whatever character Pablo imagines himself to be that day, so does Zach. There is one episode in particular that Zach has attatched himself to...Blazing Paddles. In this episode Pablo is the "Ping Pong Bandit." Here is Zach in his version of what the Ping Pong Bandit looks like. His church clothes, shirt, tie and sweater vest, his belt, which holds the paddle, and of course the cowboy hat. Yes, Zach is still dressing up, every day! Where are the pants? Penguins, or Pablo never wears pants, so in this case, neither does Zach. He is so observant! This is what I have been looking at every day, sometimes up to 5 times a day, for the past week...

Oh, and listening to..."Bandit Slam It!!!", the paddle move that beats every opponent. "Hehehehehe", the evil bandit laugh. "If you lose, I get the paddle." He is such a funny little boy.
Kate has been saying Mama and Dada, especially when she wakes up after her nap to call one of us to come get her, but of course doesn't perform on cue. She gets so distracted by the camera.